We just spent 5 weeks in India. It was chaos (a great kind of chaos that is). We had planned to write a blog through written dialogue and reflect on our personal experiences; the goal of the blog was to demonstrate our different and similar understandings of Indian culture as we lived it day to day. Bad internet connections, too much time spent on the toilet, and time spent ‘actually’ exploring India in its raw form transformed this project in a different way. We ended up taking notes, discussing our daily struggles and achievements, and of course, spent a lot of time seeing the humour in all our cultural misunderstandings. The rebirth of our blog occurred. A few days after arrival back in Canada, we went and sat in a coffee shop in Cook St Village and tried to figure out the best way to use all our memories and chicken scratches to form an actual assignment. Someone over heard Catriona telling a story about this crazy breakfast curry she ate in Mumbai, and how she was never the same afterwards – the guy ended up coming over, explained how he was planning a trip to India and somehow or another, ended up interviewing us about our trip organically. We call this person—The Stinky Stranger (SS) This blog is based on this spontaneous three hour period that we spent with SS in Serious Coffee.

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